
Lala Rukh

Quick Facts

Full NameLala Rukh
Date of Birth29 June 1948
Place of BirthLahore, Pakistan
Date of Death7 July 2017
Place of DeathLahore, Pakistan
OccupationArtist and Women’s rights activist
Known ForCo-founding the Women’s Action Forum, advocating for women’s and minorities’ rights, mentoring artists
Artistic StyleMinimalism and abstraction
Notable AchievementsAdvocated for women and minorities’ rights for almost fifty years, contributed to printing, teaching, and archiving in Pakistan and South Asia
Family BackgroundDaughter of Syeda Khan and Hayat Ahmed Khan, both of whom were deeply interested in art, poetry, history, and culture
EducationBachelor’s degree from Lahore College, Master’s degree from Punjab University, Master’s degree from the University of Chicago
InfluencesExposure to socialism, American minimalism, feminism, civil rights movement, blues and jazz music in Chicago
Personal TraitsKnown for her compassion, sensitivity to the weak and poor, and lifelong passion for the sea
Early MentorsDrawing classes with artist Anna Molka
ContributionsSupported classical arts and music, contributed to various art and educational initiatives
Personal LifeNever married, adopted her sister’s daughter Mariam
HealthDiagnosed with cancer in June 2017, passed away in July 2017

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